FUSE: Foundations for another 30 years

We sat down with Andy Walravens, Director of Fuse, to discuss the club’s 30th anniversary this year.

One year after the controversy, what’s the future of Fuse?

We’re fighting to keep our Marolles location and advocating for the “Agent Of Change” principle. Investing in our resident team, launching our Fuse Imprint label, and prioritizing XRDS are pivotal. We’re committed to building on these foundations for another 30 years.

Is Fuse inseparable from La Demence’s identity?

Absolutely, La Demence and Fuse are intertwined. Our club values the queer and gay community, ensuring representation both behind the decks and on the dance floor. Diversity is our pride.

What does Fuse do to create a safer space?

We prioritize safety through various measures. We employ a dedicated safety officer who oversees our Care Team, comprised of individuals trained in first aid and conflict resolution. Our bar staff and security personnel undergo comprehensive training in these areas as well. By utilizing an in-house security team, we ensure they understand the nuances of nightlife, fostering a more responsive environment. The Care Team is prominently visible, identifiable by specially designed t-shirts, welcoming everyone upon entry and stationed at a designated booth within the club.

What’s next for Fuse in the summer and beyond?

Celebrating our 30th anniversary with projects like a book release, vinyl compilation, European club tour, and a grand finale at Tour & Taxis. Plus, a Fuse open-air event and XRDS24 to anticipate!


