Where to find the latest KET Magazine.

Issue #5 of the print version of Ket Magazine is now available. If you don’t have your copy of the magazine yet, go and get it in the list of our favourite safe spaces in Brussels.

This is the list of places where you can find the magazines: Rainbow House, Oasis Sauna, Boris Boy, Man 2 Man, Le Baroque, Dolores, Argos Shop, L’Homo Erectus, Macho Sauna, Belgica, La Réserve, Stamm-Bar, Station BXL, C’est ma Tournée, Amalgame Bar, Chez Maman, BXL Hair, Castro Bar, 2Be Shop, Jungle Bar, Cabaret Mademoiselle, Les Hommes Barber Shop, The Gentleman Bar, Cafe Charbon and Le Fontainas.

Grab a copy of Issue #5 of Ket Magazine and let us know what you think. If you fancy being featured in the next one, get in touch! Everyone has a story to tell and we’re here to help share your story with the world.

