LGBTQIA+ group holds first meeting in Hungary’s parliament

Thirty members of the parliamentary intergroup ‘For a Diverse Hungary’ attended a reception hosted by 22 international embassies in the Hungarian parliament.

Ambassadors from the US, Israel, the Netherlands, Ireland, Japan, Switzerland, Canada, and Norway were in attendance at the event, which was held to showcase the objectives of the ‘For a Diverse Hungary’ group.

This was the first time that a large-scale event focusing on LGBTQIA+ equality had been held in the parliament of Hungary.

“The protection of LGBTQ rights and the promotion of a diverse and inclusive society has suffered a significant setback in Hungary in recent years due to the numerous new laws pushed through by the parliamentary supermajority of the governing parties…” explained Bence Tordai, a member of parliament in Hungary. “In our daily work in Parliament, we are increasingly confronted with Fidesz proposals that target the LGBTQ community and restrict their fundamental human rights.”

