LGA-Europe’s Equality Fundraiser Gala in Brussels

On July 4th, ILGA-Europe hosted their Equality Fundraiser 2024 in the Brussels Region, drawing around 200 guests, including newly elected MEPs, EU officials, lawyers, and civil society representatives. This event celebrated solidarity with the LGBTI equality movement across Europe and Central Asia, emphasizing the urgency of support amid rising attacks on LGBTI rights.

Speeches from MEP Kim Van Sparrentak and ILGA-Europe’s Executive Director, Chaber, highlighted the necessity of continued advocacy and the challenges in fundraising for LGBTI causes. Chaber mentioned that despite reduced funding from philanthropic organizations and governments, ILGA-Europe successfully raised and distributed two million euros last year to support LGBTI groups and organizations.

Guests enjoyed performances by Drag Race Belgium star Susan from Grindr and music by DJ Melissa Juice. The event was generously sponsored by Google, with cocktails provided by long-term partners Diageo and visit.brussels. The support from visit.brussels underscores the Brussels Region’s commitment to promoting inclusivity and supporting LGBTI rights.

All funds raised will support ILGA-Europe’s work across Europe and Central Asia, crucial for the LGBTI movement. Donations are still accepted on ILGA-Europe’s website for those who missed the event.


