Over 200,000 Attend Brussels Pride 2024

Brussels welcomed over 200,000 attendees on Saturday for the annual Brussels Pride celebration. Organized by Visit.Brussels in collaboration with RainbowHouse and local merchants, the event highlighted diversity and inclusion in the heart of the city.

Initial police estimates suggested 60,000 attendees, but the final number exceeded expectations. With the theme “Safe Everyday Everywhere,” this year’s Pride aimed to create a safe environment for everyone, regardless of their background.

No major incidents were reported by law enforcement, highlighting the peaceful nature of the event. Brussels, known for its LGBTQIA+-friendly environment, ranked among Europe’s most inclusive cities in 2023.

Brussels Pride 2024 showcased solidarity and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ rights, emphasizing the regions’ commitment to diversity.

Find 370 photos of the Pride Parade on the Facebook Page of the Brussels Pride.

Photo : visit.brussels

